Forgotten but not gone.
April 11, 2005
Author= The Lore master

Rant: Really, I am still here. I've written some, but not much worth posting...I have gotten some great training in.

I awake in the night to find there's no one but me, and nothing left of what we were at all.
Feb 2, 2005
Author= The Lore master

Rant: After searching the internet, I was shocked to find how few references there were to a certain style of martial arts. This is shocking because it is the loremaster's own fighting system, Kadaka-ryu. So if for no other reason but to give one more result to the google listing, I plan to say something about this art.
This is normally the part were I tell you that it is the most powerful fighting art in the world and my teacher, master so and so has not only trained exhustively in that art, but in his hands, it is an extremely deadly tool, and how if you look backwards far enough, you will find it either came straight from the shaolin temple, or better, that it (Kadaka-ryu) is the sources of all martial arts...etc. However, I have read too many of these introductions that really tell you nothing about the art except that the writer loves their art and resepects their teacher too much.

Kadaka-ryu is a Japanese martial art from the Kadaka family. It is a mainland martial art, but is not jujitsu, and more closely resembles karate. However it predates the introduction of karate to main land Japan. Because of the types of strikes involved, it would seem to be a blend of kung-fu mixed with old hard syle aiki jujitsu. It was a joke among students that there are no such things as nice moves, and often we had to think long and hard to water down the moves so we could used them in sparring or anyone else you didn't want to injure. The martial art focuses on long to middle range strikes, locks, breaks, grappling, and an almost kung-fu like system of blocking and movement.

Walking away I see the pain.
January 25, 2005
Author= The Lore master

Rant: How many Dragon Ball Z Characters does it take to change a light bulb?
One, but it takes five episodes.

Till then, I walk alone.
January 21, 2005
Author= The Lore master

Update: I've updated the Paradox story, starting chaper 10. I wonder, when settling matters with an enemy, which is really more cost effective, a lawyer or a ninja. With a lawyer, even if you do win, the judgement can be appealed, with ninja's, its kind of final. And if you loose your case, your lawyer will still bill you, ninjas kill themselves. Now if we could get lawyers to kill themselves if they lost, they would really be a force to be reckoned with.

And on my grave, What will it say?
January 19, 2005
Author= The Lore master

rant: Short note. George (yes the one on whom the character from the Dark College was based on) is going to be fighting on Feb. 12 in Virgina. Master Matt is also going to be fighting later that month. To both of them, strength and glory.

I'd love to be the one to dissapoint you when I don't fall down.
January 16, 2005
Author= The Lore master

rant: In reading about Zen and its teachings, I came across an interesting thought. Martial arts from Japan normally end in either "do" such as in the case of Judo, Kendo, or Karate-do (which is really what it is called, for those of you who didn't know) or they end in "jitsu" such as Ninjitsu, Jujitsu, Kenjitsu, etc. And for those of you who don't know, "do" means way and "jitsu" means basicly technique. The reason being that the "do" martial arts all have philosiphy as part of them, the rest are merely ways to fight. Interesting isn't it?

But living in this world, I grow colder every day.
January 11, 2005
Author= The Lore master

rant: Friends, comrades, and assorted others. I am finally entrenched within a high speed internet system...the problem now is that I am using a computer that I constructed using only bones, duck tape, and a mouse (live). Thus I am blazing about the internet at speeds that once would have made me cry without being able to do much of anything. That's what you might call ironic.

But living in this world, I grow colder every day.
December 22, 2004
Author= The Lore master

Update: I started a new section in the Book of Reason, On Honor. Basicly I have finally found a definition for Honor. Honor is very simply the almost tangible objective deontological system of personal value.

Its all alot of oysters but no pearls.
December 19, 2004
Author= The Lore master

Update: I found some of the book of reason I had forgotten about. So I posted it. It's down by the bottom.

Life is hard, etc, etc, whine, whine.

You don't remember me, but I remember you.
December 12, 2004
Author= The Lore master

Update: I finally updated the comic again.

I think that in this life the two greatest risks to honor are greed and lust. Though an honoralbe man faces challenges everyday, most threaten to destroy his body or perhaps even break his heart, but these two may be worse then any other trial which an honorable person may face. The reason is that other attacks come from outside sources, greed and lust come from within. It is difficult to fight when your enemy is yourself. Both of these make us little better then beasts, giving away our honor for the sake of our urges. Truely the human heart is our greatest enemy. The evil that grows within can never be destroyed, it can only be contained and surpressed by great will. It is better to go through life maimed then to loose your honor. Do not let anything, lust, power, or money, take your honor from you. If you loose your honor, how will you gain it back?

I wear the black for the poor and the beaten-down.
November 29, 2004
Author= The Lore master

Remeber: Greetings all. The Day of the Ninja is Coming! December 5 let us all remember and venerate those ninja's whom we all owe so much. (Personally I am drawing a blank on what and who these guys are, but since they are nija's, of course none of us would have even known what we were saved from.)

Take this quiz to see if you are a ninja.

Too much is not enough.
November 13, 2004
Author= The Lore master

Update: I've added a new poem to the verses page. It'll be there at the top.

My shadow's the only one who walks beside me.
November 3, 2004
Author= The Lore master

Update: Life is the truest test of Philosophy.

In America everyone has a different philosophy for their lives. Rarely, you find a person who has adopted a homogenous philosophy which they apply to everything, for example, a person who ascribes to the stoic philosophy actually claims to use that system of thought to apply to everything in their thinking. Such a person could more truthfully claim the title “Stoic” then most of the masses who may or may not feel that is a good idea. However, even if someone claims to use a certain school of philosophy in their thinking (and I do not mean that someone has to ascribe to choose from the existing schools, it could be a personal philosophy), even more rare is the person who’s philosophy withstands the test of life.
I will continue to pick on Stoics. Most martial artists act the part of a perfect stoic if you find them within their school, or while explaining their fighting philosophy. When you observe them at home or at work, it is difficult to tell there ever were that person you saw the day or night before. They chase things outside their power and suffer profound frustration and other emotions when these things elude them. At home they whine over their back pain, their job, and bend every aspect of their free time after chasing pleasure.
To pick on yet another school epicureans, I have found that for the most part, to suggest that they are not stoics seems to drive them to anger. This of course is confusing since they are opposing schools of thought. They spend their lives trying to avoid pain and to gain pleasure, but are offended when this is pointed out. I understand that any school of philosophy is something we have reasoned as being the best or most logical and as humans sometimes break with our reason. However, a school of thought that can only exists within the confines of schoolroom study, or personal mediation, and not everyday life a worth while school to pursue.
I would encourage everyone to pursue a single homogenous philosophy, one which they can actually live and function under. Otherwise we are not followers, but merely admires of our claimed philosophy.

If I make it through the day, will tomorrow be the same?
October 10, 2004
Author= The Lore master

Update: Not much, I fixed that broken link on the linkage page so you can get to Feather Storm now.

Behind blue eyes
October 9, 2004
Author= The Lore master

Update: I updated the Dark College 3.

What did you expect to find? Was it something you left behind? Don't you remember anything I said...
September 15, 2004
Author= The Lore master

Update: Really, the other portions of the camping sage are coming. Otherwise, I have some story stuff to post when I get home after work tonight.

And so the cycle continues...

Chain to all the places that he never wished to stay
July 22, 2004
Author= The Lore master

Update: I've posted part one of the camping saga...not to be comfused with Sega. A Saga is single or collection of epic tales. Sega is a video game company that is almost defunked and no longer makes systems. We don't have anything to do with those.

Your faith was strong but you needed proof...
July 21, 2004
Author= The Lore master

Rant: Greetings comrades! David, Comrade Rob, Master Matt, and I have just returned from a camping trip, and I am planning a comic or two based on it. So that is coming up. It would have been up earlier, but I've been doing some secret training, and I haven't had a chance...stay tuned.

June 29, 2004
Author= The Lore master

Update: Updated the comic! Pride just drips from my pores.

There's a piece of a puzzle known as life
June 28, 2004
Author= The Lore master

Update: Greetings, I've updated the Paradox, and incase you haven't been here in a while, read the below rant, I thought it was pretty good, and you might have missed it.

June 17, 2004
Author= The Lore master

rant: I was looking at the news, and seeing the latest feminist banter, and the though struck me, exactly what are they fighting against anymore? There is almost nothing that a woman are barred from these days, and of course after that I, as I think many men do, I wondered why they became so militant in the first place. However, upon more thought, I realized that years ago, women were treated unequally. Contrary to popular belief, they were treated with respect and kindness. That respect however, was only accorded to them if they remained in their place in society. People would have laughed me out of town if I were to have suggested that a woman could earn enough, through honest means, to support a family. Now of course I see no problem with woman staying home with their children, but as with many things, what is being offered may be nice, but if there is no choice in the matter, you are not free. So because of the effects of groups fighting for rights for woman, today I can find little reason for the continuation of the feminist movement. This brings me to my point. Have you ever noticed that groups formed for a cause never seem to finish? Take for example the March of Dimes. This was a group formed to find a cure for polio. How many people do you know who have polio (In the USA)? There aren’t any, we have found a vaccine, yet the March of Dimes is still quite alive. Feminism may have won some freedoms for women, but now that their goal is reached, the beaurocracy continues as if it had a life of its own. Think about it. Have you ever seen an organization close its doors and announce to its employees, “You can all go home now, we have done what we’ve set out to do.” No, the only time an organization closes its doors is if it ran out of funding. This trend continues no matter what the belief system or cause that it started out with.

There's many things I wish I didn't do.
June 16, 2004
Author= The Lore master

rant: No, I have not forgotten my poor under viewed website. I have simply had a total lack of inspiration. I've worked on quite alot of my stories, but not the point of being able to post them.

I'm the darkness, you're the stars.
April 10, 2004
Author= The Lore master

Update: To reward my lone reader, I updated the comic. For those of you with slower connections, be patent, this one was larger then normal for some reason.

Whats the point in all this screaming, you're not listening anyway.
April 9, 2004
Author= The Lore master

Update: I added a something to theStudy. which I found very funny. My favorite is rule 6. Have a look at it. I haven't had any inspiring thoughts for stories lately...yeah yeah, I know, what else is new?

See a little, see alot, come around see what you're not.
April 2, 2004
Author= The Lore master

note: Just wanted to post a slightly interesting link for anyone who has enjoyed the Anime Full Metal Panic You know, one of those little quizzes that tell you what character you are.

Up and down, but never out.
March 28, 2004
Author= The Lore master

Updated: Posted another page onto the Paradox. Not much but it lets the story sit at a good point untill I get some time off. Morrowind has swollowed my time lately...the time when I am not sleeping, which isn't very much.
See a little, see alot, come around see what you're not.
February 28, 2004
Author= The Lore master

Updated!!!: I posted a new comic. Things have been intersting, we just were buried by a foot of snow. Thrilling really.

Tread carefully, for you tread on my dreams.

I'm staring down the barrel of a .45, swiming through the ashes of another life, no real reason to accept the way things have changed.
February 17, 2004
Author= The Lore master

Rant: Greetings Comrades. For any readers I still have, I'll write something so you know I didn't die. The reason for the drop off of readers might very well be because some of them forgot a certain holiday on the 14th, and are no longer with us. Well in anycase, I am a believe in the old school of chivalry, and also being a student of history, the one factor that is constantly being discussed for any point in history is the mistreatment of women, and how much better it is for them now. Well in my random learning I found an interesting stat. Remember the Titanic? Well interstingly, in that day in age, when women were so badly mistreated, the Titanic sank. Now as a foot note, all of us can agree that men are stronger then their average female counter-part, and so most of us would assume when it comes to fighting their way through a crowd to make it on to a life boat to save one's own life, the men would have an advantage over women. However, 80% of the 1600 men on the Titanic died, where as only 22% of the women died...That is 1300 dead men. So it would seem to me that women do not have it all that much better today. If you repeated the Titanic in this day in age, can you really see that many men willing to give up their seats on the life boats for women? Why would they? Women are equal and free now, they can die like everyone else...right? What a victory for woman-kind.

All I ever think about is this, all the tiring time between.
February 5, 2004
Author= The Lore master

Update: Hail Comrades. Since February is such a dark spot on the year, we at Loremaster have some inspirational Posters for you. Feel free to print and hang on the wall of your office, use as wall paper for your desk top, and pin up where ever people need encouragement...or annoying.Poster1Poster 2

All I ever think about is this, all the tiring time between.
January 26, 2004
Author= The Lore master

Update: Snow Day! Forgive me comrades, I had been captured by capitalist ninjas and dragged to a reducation center, where they have enslaved me to an ever growing mountain of homework and tests, trying to break me. I am glad to report loyal brothers and sisters, that their tactics (painful as they are) have not even started to break down my defences. And hopefully there will be a new comic later.

All I ever think about is this, all the tiring time between.
December 23, 2003
Author= The Lore master

Update: New Short story (really short) I hope you enjoy.

The window burns to light the way back home.
December 20, 2003
Author= The Lore master

Update: School has been brought to its knees for a time, and finally a limited freedom is with us. This is all thanks to the heroic work of the Loremaster and his team who have been working to disrupt the these propaganda centers. We have turned in assignments late, misspelled, and sometimes not at all. We have annoied teachers and classmates alike. This good people is the just a small sample of the work we have been doing for the good of all. No thanks are needed, but Checks and Credit cards are accepted.

On top of all that we have a comic update too.

Forever trust in who we are, and nothing else matters.
December 13, 2003
Author= The Lore master

Update: There I updated the comic. Final week starts for me, so I may be even more out of it then normal.

I saw the Last Samuria earlier this week. I know my ties are normally with the ninja, but I have to say that movie rocked. It was great to see a main stream movie portray Samuria in the correct light. Well in anycase. I said I would update the site this week, and I have...45 minutes before it is next week. Merry Christmas.

Scars are souvenirs you never lose
December 10, 2003
Author= The Lore master

Rant: Christmas time is coming. Really bad week this week, so things wil be a bit late. Hopefully tomorrow.

As he faced the sun he cast no shadow.
December 5, 2003
Author= The Lore master

Rant: Shades of black.
by the Darkone

Dark: Grimly and stoically facing life. Hollow inside except for a core of iron, the hard
exterior keeps the world from corrupting the perfect void within.

Pitch: “Black as midnight, black as pitch, blacker then the blackest witch”. Not a
shadow but a living, breathing, light consuming evil. Every intent of this heart is
on evil.

Sable: A life tainted. Once something different, this life has turned to darkness
resulting from hardship. They are a black version of what they once were.

Obsidian: Shining in the dark. Perfection and power are a part of such a soul.
Comfortable in any company and in any setting, everyone thinks they know and
understand, but no one knows what goes one behind the mirror of your eyes.

It’s not something you can hold
It’s not something you own
It's not something you can buy or steal
You've got it when you're alone

December 4, 2003
Author= The Lore master

Update: I have updated the comic, and should have a story update soon.

I'll be buired in the silence of the myself.
December 3, 2003
Author= The Lore master

Rant: Greetings Comrades, Remember to observe Day of the Ninja December 5. Should have a comic tonight or tomorrow. Still working on that.

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